Monday, December 8, 2014

Saffron, Cinnamon, and Tumeric

The colors of nature are deeply connected with the scents associated with them. Looking out the window at the silvery green of a giant Pinon brings the sweet smell of pine needles to a moment that is only visual. To merely look at the color of cinnamon brings back the memory of the rich homey scent of baking apple pie. Nowhere is this more apparent than in India. It's colors and scents permeate the air and, at the end of a day, can leave a non-native feeling overwhelmed by the cacophony the of visual, aural, and sensual symphony around one.
No matter what their caste is, the women of India celebrate the intense hues of the sari, adding beauty to what can be a very harsh and difficult world.

Color saturates both the spiritual and temporal. It is sustenance and celebration, and it exemplifies the ancient and the modern.

Probably no other culinary tradition is as deeply rooted in color as Indian cuisine. Although Indian food varies widely by region, herbs and spices define a dish more than any ingredient, and take it anywhere from mellow and buttery to fiery and intense. A visit to a spice market is a painting itself that no synthetic colors can truly replicate.
India touches all of the senses and all of the emotions. The colors and scents of this amazing place reach into those emotions and remain with one forever.

And now......
The Reggie Life
When I'm not racing around the dog park, livening things up at doggy day care, poking around my yard, chasing a ball in the house, or trying to rouse my furry housemates, this is where I like to plop.

Mom finally gave up on trying to keep me off the furniture (which is why I get rinsed off almost every day). When Mom and Dad are in this chair and its partner, I whine to let them know I want it. If I'm in one and Mom is in the other chair, Dad won't push me off.....he'll sit on the floor! Mom's tough; she makes me leave. So I get back at her by whining on the floor next to her in the morning while she's still in bed until she finally gets up and then I take her place on the bed.

The two geeks have a tough life. Their big decisions of the day are where to take the next nap. They only move to find the next spot, get a meal, use that blue thing with sand in it, or make me jealous by sitting on Mom or Dad's lap.
Of course they're jealous of me cuz I get outa here and get to go someplace in the car. Ha, Ha, Ha! 

Check and click on the YouTube video of Dyami Clement and Jenevieve Varga performing an amazing rendition of John Lennon's "Imagine."


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