Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Week-end Oasis

Top Down with Coltrane

7:00 P.M. July
Top down
We join the line of ants on the 101
Next off-ramp, wend our way through torpid canyon
Road blistering with the mirage of a Saharan myth
Hot wind whipping us into an exhausted stupor

Crest the Mulholland
A cool, moist relief washes over

Into the mist of thick, low clouds,
we break through a sun-drenched door
to a turquoise panorama that
stretches from the west of sunset
 to the east of sunrise beyond

Vastness in its never ending blue
Its forever presence

Right turn onto PCH
Week-end Nirvana
Tilt your seat back, baby; we’re cruisin’

8:00 P.M. May
Top down
Still lookin’ for the calm
Inch our way, bumper to bumper,
through Saturday party night at the oasis
Cacophony of light and sound stalling the escape to respite

East on Palm Canyon Drive, a left turn
Silence pushes a city into retreat

Ahead, a long, blissful stretch of quiet
Desert heat cooling into evening breeze
Eternal black sky punctuated
by long-forgotten stars
of an infinite cosmos

Vastness in its never ending black
Its forever presence

Straight ahead
Week-end Nirvana
Tilt your seat back, baby; we’re cruisin’

Cynthia L. Cavanaugh 07/09

And now a word from Reggie.....
We had a BIG snow here last week, and boy do I love it. I played lots in the yard and ran all over the place. Why do we dogs love snow and hate rain? Course, when it starts to melt, Mom's not thrilled because I drag mud into the house. Even though she keeps towels on the floor, I manage to make paw marks on the rug in the kitchen...just to remind everyone of my presence in case they forget.

Just for the record, that's a piece of cat fur next to my signature.

Of course Desi, one of the geeks, makes his choice about how he wants to spend his snow time. How many hours a day do cats sleep? 23-1/2? Geeeezzzz......

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