Monday, November 10, 2014

Dia de los Muertos and Reggie

Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead was over a week ago, but it's not too late to continue the celebration of this famous festival. Most people are familiar with the glorious, colorful costumes and icons of this historic holiday. As a reminder, here's a bit of history: Wikipedia says that, "Scholars trace the origins of the modern Mexican holiday to indigenous observances dating back hundreds of years and to an Aztec festival dedicated to the goddess Mictecacihuatl.The holiday has spread throughout the world, being absorbed within other deep traditions for honoring the dead." The holiday now focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died.

Daughter-in-law Anita Cavanaugh creates beautiful face paintings to honor and celebrate this important holiday. Dia de los Muertos opens the door for some amazing creativity, and Anita expresses a wonderful art form in her "masks".
This festival of the Dead is a rich and wonderful tradition that embraces every person's contribution during his or her life, as well as celebrating their next step to wherever that is,.

And now...

The Reggie Life

Because Reggie is such a clever dog, it's been suggested that he have his own blog. Well, that isn't going to happen, so I told him he could have his own corner of the Studio Lizzy blog. Although he's very decisive, I chose the picture of him, which probably wouldn't be his first choice. One evening our friend Kataya decided that Reggie should be styled. So, no, those are not dreadlocks, they're the remnants of some poor sad puppy toy.

Now Reggie can have the last word.

Hey there, no, I'm not happy at all about the photo chosen to represent me. Now I feel that I have to redeem my dignity by describing my kingly self. I'm a gorgeous, muscular boy who's lumped into the catch-all breed of Pit Bull. Since not a dime has been spent to find out my DNA, who knows what that actually includes. Just trust me, everyone at the dog park comments on how handsome I am and that I have the shiniest black coat.

So, let me just begin by telling the truth about my fabulous breed. We were once America's favorite dog - yes! We were known as the Nanny Dog because we were so good at taking care of the kiddies. Teddy Roosevelt was a fan and Helen Keller trusted her life with Sir Thomas. The list of current politicians, sports figures, and entertainers who adore their pitties is endless, so they're obviously very smart humans to have such good taste.

My corner of the artsy blog will probably be the most popular since I'll be sharing stories about my life here with the Cavanaughs and those two cats...dare I say their names, Desi and Lucy. Yes, I was brought into this home from the Espanola Valley Humane Society as an innocent four month old, and I've survived the torments of those two for almost two and a half years. I'll be three years old in January, so I'm in the prime of my man-hood. And yes, I particularly like those cute girl dogs at the park and doggy daycare, but of course, the Cavanaughs made sure that my adoration of the female could only be platonic. I have no idea why they wouldn't want mini-me's joining the family since I really am quite amazing.

So, this is the start of the famous Reggie Life. Let the games begin.

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